Anchorage Chapter Next Wave Committee

ASEA Anchorage Chapter Next Wave Committee Logo

Anchorage Chapter Next Wave Committee
Many of the current members of the Anchorage Chapter Next Wave Committee met while attending the Next Wave Statewide Conference in Anchorage in November 2009. Prior to attending this conference we did not have the awareness or eagerness to be involved. Attending the conference opened our eyes to some of the issues facing the Union and inspired us to become more involved. We hope the creation of this committee will enable us to share what we have learned with our peers and to pass on that inspiration to other members who may feel as we did.

ASEA Next Wave Committee
The ASEA Local 52 Statewide Next Wave Committee mission is to educate and mobilize our membership in an effort to increase participation and interest in the union. Its goals include:

–Increase active membership
–Improve internal communication and member education
–Strengthen ASEA’s public image and increase public awareness of the valuable services ASEA members provide
–Increase ASEA local 52’s political strength

AFSCME Next Wave
Nationally, more than half of the AFSCME membership will be eligible to retire within the next 10 years. This exodus will leave a huge leadership void and loss of institutional stability. The future of AFSCME depends on our current ability to identify and activate new union member leaders to fill the gap when seasoned activists move on. The need to develop participation and encourage leadership within the AFSCME membership has lead to the creation of the Next Wave.


Braxton Bundick
Chair | Anchorage | This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. | 334-2300
Paul Keller
Member | Anchorage | This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. | 269-0590
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