Lead the Change: Organize Your Workplace Today


You have the right to join with coworkers to address conditions at work!

Did you know? The National Labor Relations Act and the Alaska Labor Relations Act protect the right of employees to form or join a union.


Life is better in a union.

By choosing to form a union, you and your coworkers recognize the value of your work and the importance of standing together to have a voice on the job. Workers are stronger when we stand together, and forming a union empowers you and your coworkers to stand up for better pay, safe working conditions, and benefits like a secure retirement. Through a union you can fight retaliation, racial discrimination, sexual harassment, and more in your workplace. And always having someone to turn to and lean on, when something’s not right.


Ready to unionize your workplace? ASEA is ready to help you stand together with your coworkers and form a union.
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