ASEA Legislative Townhall Wed. Jan. 29 at 5:15pm

Hello ASEA Member, 

With big ticket items in play this year for public employees, ASEA is excited to begin a series of online legislative townhalls. These townhall events will occur once or twice a month, providing ASEA members with opportunities to ask questions of and hear answers from the legislators working on issues that matter most to public employees.

Our first meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, Jan. 29, at 5:15 PM. Please join us to hear about RESTORING PENSION RETIREMENT from:

  • Rep. Chuck Kopp (R-Anchorage (Oceanview))
  • Sen. Cathy Giessel (R-Anchorage (South Anchorage, Girdwood, Whittier))

Please register ahead of the meeting:


Thumbnail of Legislative Townhall PosterThumbnail of Legislative Townhall PosterThumbnail of Legislative Townhall Poster

The Alaska Legislature is in session between mid-January (always the Tuesday following MLK Jr. Day) through late April or early May. Each legislature includes two regular legislative sessions. The 34th Legislature gaveled in on Tuesday, January 21, 2025. The decisions lawmakers make during each legislative session affect the wages, benefits, health and safety, and funding levels for the services public employees provide. Your voice is essential and has the credibility of frontline public employees operating on proposed and established funding. Together, our collective voice is effective at promoting the best outcome for ASEA members.*REMEMBER, WHEN OFFERING TESTIMONY OR COMMUNICATING WITH YOUR LEGISLATOR(S) TO DO SO ON YOUR PERSONAL TIME AND FROM YOUR PERSONAL DEVICES*

Resources for following the Alaska Legislature:

Please contact Samantha Harris with any questions at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

In Solidarity,

Heidi Drygas
Executive Director