GGU Art. 18 Evaluation & Merit Provision in Effect

Dear ASEA Member,

We have received numerous questions in response to Director of Personnel Kate Sheehan’s email dated Wednesday, Jan. 23, 2025.

Three years ago our Contract Negotiating Committee (CNC) agreed to the State’s proposal for a new evaluation process that made performance evaluations necessary for all merit step increases. See Article 18 in the gains and losses statement. In short, the State sought to synchronize evaluations across offices and agencies. If evaluations are late, you still get pay retroactive to the anniversary date.

*Please note that our CNC has proposed changes in current negotiations to address this issue in the 2025-2028 collective bargaining agreement.*

Following ratification of the 2022-2025 collective bargaining agreement, the State requested a letter of agreement with ASEA to delay implementation of the Article 18 provision. In December of 2023 they requested another extension, postponing implementation to December 2024. The State did not request an additional extension, and the Article 18 language went into effect:

18.02 Performance Incentives. Performance incentives shall be based upon the appointing authority's evaluation of an employee's performance. An employee shall be granted a performance incentive of one (1) step in the salary range, to be effective on their merit/pay increment anniversary date provided their most recent evaluation for the period covering part or all of the incentive provides for an overall performance evaluation of “mid-acceptable or better service”, as of the employee’s anniversary date.

Steps (B), (C), (D), (E), (F) and (G) of the salary range shall be used for performance incentives where an employee has demonstrated satisfactory service of a progressively greater value to the State. If a performance incentive is delayed due to an untimely performance evaluation, upon receipt of the evaluation with an annual rating of “mid-acceptable or better service”, the performance incentive will be granted retroactive to the employee’s anniversary date. The merit anniversary date does not change when a performance incentive is not granted. If the employee's standard of performance reaches mid-acceptable levels later in the merit year, the step increase may be granted effective the first day of any pay period and no change in the merit anniversary date will result.

What does this mean for you? A timely merit increase may require some coordination with your supervisor to ensure a performance evaluation is complete.

  1. Identify your Merit Anniversary Date (you can find this information in IRIS/ESS).
  2. Set a calendar reminder 2-4 weeks in advance of that date as reminder to inquire with your supervisor about your evaluation and remind them of the timelines.
  3. If necessary, set another calendar reminder 3-5 business days in advance of that date to follow up.
  4. If your Merit Anniversary passes without an evaluation, please remember that delayed merit increases will be retroactive.

When your supervisor sends your draft evaluation, please take the contractually required two working days to review it prior to discussing it with them. If you have questions or concerns about the content or impact of your draft evaluation, reach out to your Union Business Agent or Shop Steward. We can help you draft a rebuttal (remember you have 10 working days to submit a rebuttal) to your evaluation, or appeal if applicable.

If you are not yet a member of ASEA, our union is actively serving your interests through collective bargaining, contract enforcement, and member advocacy—including support for employees whose evaluations require review, rebuttal, or appeal. Please take this moment to sign up for ASEA membership so our union can continue to work effectively on your behalf:


In solidarity,

Heidi Drygas
Executive Director