ASEA Provides Legal Defense Fund Coverage

Hello ASEA Members,

ASEA is excited to announce the availability of a legal defense fund (LDF) benefit for union members whose law enforcement work responsibilities expose them to extra liability. State Park Rangers represented by ASEA are the first group to elect an LDF benefit, and an agreement has been finalized between ASEA and Peace Officers Research Association of California (PORAC) to provide LDF coverage beginning Nov. 1, 2024.

Photograph from SOA Ranger Inservice, 2023
SOA Rangers, Chief Rangers, and Commissioned Superintendents at a 2023 in-service.

Park Rangers face legal exposure to actions on the job and PORAC LDF coverage offers representation and resources in the case of a lawsuit. “Thank you for the effort in coordinating this for us,” wrote State Park Ranger Wyatt Derner. “This is a huge step for forward for the Rangers.”

The LDF benefit is a union benefit and coverage will only be available to eligible union members. As mentioned above, Park Rangers are the first group to elect the benefit and ASEA looks forward to expanding participation.

Details of the PORAC LDF are available in a presentation form here and in summary here. PORAC terms of coverage require that a majority of eligible employees in their respective job class participate in the benefit.

I’m very happy to provide Park Rangers with this significant union benefit and I look forward to coordinating LDF coverage for additional law enforcement job classes.

In Solidarity,

Heidi Drygas
Executive Director