Hello ASEA Member,
ASEA received a response Nov. 2 from the State in the class action grievance over payroll problems filed Oct. 5, 2023. The State acknowledged receipt of the grievance in a timely manner and denied the remedy sought by your union, namely to comply with Article 21 of the ASEA-SOA collective bargaining agreement by responding to all NOPPs and issuing appropriate penalty pay.
Why is this important? A denial by the employer allows the grievance to escalate toward a mediated resolution.
Is it too late to join the NOPP class action grievance? No, it is not too late. If you would like to add your outstanding NOPP to this class action, please contact business agent Lizzie Solger at
What happens next? You union will advance the grievance to Step 3 within the next 20 calendar days.
To follow this issue, make sure to visit our website and follow ASEA on social media for video and other updates. And keep an eye out for our digital newsletter at the end of month.
As always, thank you for all you do for Alaskans, every day.
In Solidarity,
Heidi Drygas
Executive Director