Brothers and Sisters:
We are happy to report that the Classification study for Adult Probation Officers is finally complete. The State will implement the study on August 21, 2023. Please note the following:
- You should remain in your current step placement. Please refer to our GGU Contract Article 21.06(F)(3).
- All Officers are Adult Probation Officers.
- Implementation begins on August 21, 2023, but the pay increase won’t be seen in your paycheck immediately. Please contact Payroll for exact dates.
ASEA and our Probation and Parole Committee has been closely tracking progression on the Adult Probation Officers Classification study and has gathered feedback and questions from members for the administration as implementation approaches. Thanks to our committee’s efforts, and the support and dogged determination of ASEA’s new Executive Director Heidi Drygas and Business Agent Toya Winton, we have achieved some measurable progress for Adult Probation Officers. Our work, however, is not complete. We will continue to advocate on behalf of our hardworking Adult Probation Officers until our public service gets the respect that it deserves.
Unfortunately, since this is a classification action by the State, there isn’t any back pay associated with your upgrade. Under Alaska law, the State does not have to negotiate with any union about classification matters. Nor can ASEA or any other union file a grievance challenging classification actions like this one. We wish it was different to recognize the hard work you have been doing for years without the compensation you deserve, but that is the law.
To cash in leave that reflects the pay increase, the request must be made for the first pay period in which the wage increase goes into effect. Please contact payroll for specific dates and guidance.
ASEA represents all General Government State employees. Our Union is only as strong as our membership. With strong committees and dedicated members, ASEA can continue to secure better wages, benefits, and working conditions for all GGU employees. With contract negotiations around the corner, it’s critical we have your input. Please keep the following timeline in mind so you can weigh in on decisions that impact your contract.
If you are interested in joining ASEA’s Probation and Parole Committee, please send an email to
Anticipated GGU CNC Timeline for 2025 – 2028 Negotiations
- The current CBA will expire on June 30, 2025.
- The GGU CNC nominations and election process will begin this winter.
- Elected GGU CNC members will meet in the summer or fall of 2024 to put their timeline and plan together.
- The GGU CNC will solicit ideas and interest from ASEA members via survey, worksite meetings, emails, and text alerts.
- Negotiations can start as early as October 1, 2024.
- Once a tentative agreement (TA) is reached, worksite meetings will be held to discuss the TA and a ratification vote will be held to approve the TA.
- The monetary terms will be included in the operating budget (spring of 2025) and will be voted on by the Legislature.
- If successful, the contract will be adopted and effective July 1, 2025.
Check out this CNC guide from 2021 for more information on the process
*For text alerts, text “GGUCNC” to 237-263.
*To ensure you receive emails, please mark messages from ASEAHQ@afscmelocal52 as safe to avoid losing messages in your junk folder.
*Mark your calendars to look for election information and GGU CNC meeting information throughout 2024! Thank you for your membership and solidarity, and congratulations on this victory!
In Solidarity,
Class 1 Representative, ASEA Executive Board
Chair, Probation and Parole Committee
Treasurer, ASEA Executive Board
Member, Probation and Parole Committee