Rally in Juneau to Restore Pension Retirement

A rally to restore a defined benefit (pension) retirement for Alaska public employees and teachers has been called for this afternoon, Tuesday, May 2, at 5:00 p.m. in front of the Capitol. The 'Rally for Alaska' is sponsored by the Alaska Public Pension Coalition, of which ASEA is a member organization.


SB 88 Rally on Tuesday, May 2, 20234 500


Today’s rally draws attention to and support for SB 88, a bill currently in the Senate Finance Committee, which would provide a choice between a defined benefit (pension) or defined contribution (individual retirement account) for public employees and teachers hired after July 1, 2006. Existing and newly hired employees would exercise a one-time option for a retirement plan that serves them best. Public employees and teachers hired before July 1, 2006, already participate in a defined benefit retirement system.

If you are a PERS Tier IV employee (hired after Jul 1, 2006), this rally is about your future in particular! If you are a PERS Tier I/II/III employee, this rally is about your coworkers' future, the regular turnover among new employees who seek a career with retirement security, the increasing workload to cover for vacant positions, and the statewide failure of public services caused by a recruitment and retention crisis.

The Alaska Legislature ended defined benefits for new public employees and teachers in 2005 and ASEA has been fighting to restore retirement security ever since. Please join us to show support for SB 88 at the Capitol this afternoon at 5:00 p.m! Come for the message and stay for the food! Enjoy the barbeque and refreshments for rally participants!

Information on 'Rally for Alaska' from the Alaska Public Pension Coalition


Press Release for 'Rally for Alaska'

 press release rally for AK sb 88