Labor Day Message to ASEA Members

Hello ASEA Member,

At the risk of sounding unnecessarily hip, Labor Day is a thing. It stems from the dignity and value of work and setting a day aside to recognize it.

Labor Day itself can get lost in a rush to finish summer projects, to harvest and hunt before a change in the weather, to enjoy the company of friends and family before new chapters in our lives unfold.

Whatever your plans for Monday, Sep. 5, Labor Day is an occasion to reflect on how the rewards of work support our traditions and quality of life while also creating opportunities for growth and change. Labor Day is, of course, a holiday, and you deserve it.

The Alaska State Employees Association is your professional advocate and resource, looking out for your interests every day so that this Labor Day is better than the last. I won’t ask you to look past losses and challenges of the past two years to appreciate this Labor Day more than others, but do know that your union stands with you and is working actively to uphold your labor rights, support you with stewards and professional representatives, and increase the returns on your membership.

Labor Day celebrations are taking place across the state on Monday, from Fairbanks to Juneau, and I hope you consider participating. The day marks a moment to appreciate what we’ve earned and who we’ve worked beside to achieve it.

In solidarity,

Maryann Ganacias
Interim Executive Director