Sticking Together: Latest on Dunleavy Attacks


Special Message from ASEA Executive Director Jake Metcalfe

To ASEA members and State Employees:

The Governor of Alaska issued an Administrative Order that is an extreme attack on Alaska state employees. There’s a reason thousands upon thousands of public service workers in Alaska have joined a union. Because it gives us a voice. Governor Dunleavy wants to take that voice away. It will not happen. The most important thing you can do right now is update your contact info. We expect more attacks. And it is important we have your personal contact email or phone. Please take a moment and update your info now at

Jake Metcalfe
Executive Director

Court Orders Permanent Injunction against State Interference--Feb. 8, 2019

Judge Miller concluded the State of Alaska breached its collective bargaining agreement with ASEA, breached the covenant of good faith and fair dealing, violated the separation of powers enshrined in the state constitution and Public Employee Relations Act, and violated the Administrative Procedures Act. The Court further ordered a Permanent Injunction against the State of Alaska for the State’s attempted interference with ASEA membership and union administration which began in 2019.

PR: Perm. Injunction Ordered in SOA Interference

ASEA Applauds Decision for Preliminary Injunction--Nov. 5, 2019

Judge Miller granted Alaska’s largest public employees association with a Preliminary Injunction against the State of Alaska over the State’s illegal actions to interfere with and change employee contracts. In his decision, Judge Miller wrote:

"The State did not file any new briefing as to the preliminary injunction, and instead just attached and relied upon a copy of its October 1 TRO briefing. Given the State’s lack of any new arguments, today this court issued a short order that granted the preliminary injunction for the same reasons this court granted the TRO."

ASEA Seeks Injunction against State Interference--Oct. 18, 2019

On Friday, September 27, the Alaska State Employees Association (ASEA) asked the Court to grant a Temporary Restraining Order (TRO) and Preliminary Injunction against the State for its illegal actions and contract violations with ASEA members. On Thursday, October 3, Judge Miller granted ASEA with a TRO finding “The State’s conduct – including the issuance of its September 26, 2019, administrative order – seems directly at odds with both PERA and the CBA the State signed... The State provides no colorable explanation for why the existing dues authorization form’s annual opt-out period is not sufficient.”

State Action Unsupported in Law, TRO Granted--Oct. 4, 2019

Judge Miller observes that, "The State advances a position contrary to the express wording of Janus, contrary to the memorandum opinion issued by his predecessor in office, contrary to all known opinions from other States’ Attorneys General, and contrary to nine federal court decisions, two administrative agency decisions, and two arbitration awards."

[video] Message re: Judge Sides with ASEA on TRO--Oct. 3, 2019

ASEA Awarded TRO in State Interference--Oct. 3, 2019

Today, Judge Miller granted the State’s largest stateemployee union with a temporary restraining order against the State’s extreme attack on public employees, writing:

“The State advances a position contrary to the express wording of Janus, contrary to the memorandum opinion issued by his predecessor in office, contrary to all known opinions from other States’ Attorneys General, and contrary to nine federal court decisions, two administrative agency decisions, and two arbitration awards.”

[video] Message re: State Interference in Union--Sep. 27, 2019

Communication in Question: Contact Info Needed--Sep. 27, 2019

The Governor recently sent you an Administrative Order and related information about his AO. This action by the governor, in and of itself, is a violation of state law and our contract. Given this governor’s track record, we expect continued violations of PERA to occur, including interfering with our ability to contact you.

ASEA Responds to Dunleavy Administration Attack on Public Employees--Sep. 26, 2019

Today, the Governor of Alaska issued an Administrative Order that is an extreme attack on Alaska State Employees. Today’s actions by the Governor were not a surprise. This Governor has made it clear that he wants to gut vital public services and remove important jobs since he took office. Public employees come to work every day and provide the vital services that keep Alaska running. They deserve a voice on the job and the ability to advocate for strong public services in this state.