Press Release
December 14, 2020
Contact: Mike Bork, President FNSB ASEA Chapter
ASEA Chapter of Fairbanks North Star Borough Supervisors Helping
Four Local Non-Profits
The Fairbanks North Star Borough Chapter of the Alaska State Employees Association (ASEA) is distributing $10,000 among four local non-profits. This year’s recipients are Resource Center for Parents and Children, Fairbanks Youth Advocates/The Door, Fairbanks Senior Center/Meals on Wheels, and the Foodbank. Each recipient will receive $2,500 of the total $10,000 charitable giving.
This is the fifth year the union chapter of borough supervisors has made charitable contributions to local non-profits. Each year the chapter has been able to contribute more dollars to the community, with 2020 being the largest contribution yet.
The employees of the union love being able to give something back to those in need and wishes everyone well at the end of this trying year 2020.
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pdf Press Release--FNSB Supervisors Give to Local Nonprofits (Dec. 14, 2020) (144 KB)