On behalf of the Anchorage Central Labor Council and the ASEA Anchorage Chapter, and with the generous support and assistance of many Local Union affiliates, the 2014 Solidarity picnic is here!
This Sunday, on June 8 labor union members and their families will be joining together on the West end of Anchorage’s Park Strip from Noon until 4:00P in celebration of working family values. As a member you may bring a non-member guest. A few selected members of the public will be invited as well.
*FREE* Food includes hot dogs, hamburgers, and various other side dishes and treats.
The Picnic opens at Noon and will last until 4:00P. Our State of Alaska AFL-CIO President Vince Beltrami will be the Master of Ceremonies.
Musical entertainment will be provided and the keynote speakers will begin at 1:30 p.m.
Special Events include the IAFF 1264 Firefighter’s Truck, Anchorage Police Department Employee’s Associations “Special” Squad Car, games and events for the children, and most importantly an opportunity to share in conversation with working family members of labor unions.
Please plan on attending!