Nominees for 2019 Union Election Posted

The election for ASEA/AFSCME Local 52 State Executive Board positions, Judicial Panel seats and an ASEA Constitutional Amendment will take place on March 11, 2019. Ballots will be mailed to members in good standing on February 8, 2019.

Members will receive voting instructions in the ballot mailing. Candidates that are listed as unopposed will not appear on the ballot. The order in which the names will appear on the ballot is not reflected below. The names will appear on the ballot by a random drawing of names from a hat, as determined by the ASEA Elections Committee.

All candidates listed have been officially recognized by the ASEA Elections Committee as a verified member in good standing and eligible to run for the position in which they have been nominated, as follows:


ASEA/AFSCME Local 52 Executive Board
   Judicial Panel
   Constitutional Amendments
  • President
    • Kenneth Cramer
    • Dawn Bundick
    • Rich Sewell
  • Admin. Support Representative
    • Michael French
    • Ryan J. Knight-Cole
  • Northern Region Representative
    • Beth Siegel
    • James Radigan
  • Professional Representative
    • Douglas Gryzbowski
    • Carl Jacobs
    • Burrell Nickeson (withdrawn)
    • Cassandra Lynch (withdrawn)
  • Class I Representative
    • Charles Stewart
    • Eileen Farrar
    • Shannon Watson
  • Municipal Representative
    • Kenneth Winger (unopposed)
  • Anchorage
    • Wynn Jennings (unopposed)
  • Fairbanks
    • No nominations were received
  • Rural/Bush
    • No nominations were received
  • Juneau
    • No nominations were received

An Amendment to ASEA Constitution Article 7 has been received.

The amendment was submitted with 100+ signatures verified as members in good standing from five chapters.


The complete Nomination Report is available here.

pdf Nomination Report, 2019 ASEA Statewide Election (updated 1/25/19) (263 KB)


Please note the following timeline for the 2019 statewide union election.

FEBRUARY 8, 2019
Ballots mailed to members.

(Ballots Counted) Ballots MUST BE RECEIVED BY 8:30 a.m. on this date. Only ballots returned through the U.S. Mail will be counted. Counting will commence following receipt of the ballots by the Election Committee.

MARCH 26, 2019
Officer Run-off election ballots mailed out, if needed.

Officer Run-off The same election procedures will be followed if a second run-off election is necessary.


Please consult the Notice of Nominations for all election dates, rules, and explanations.

pdf Notice of Nominations, 2019 ASEA Statewide Election (328 KB)