For Leave Donation slips to be processed, they must:
- Have completed: Donor's name, employee ID number, bargaining unit, department code, number of hours donated, annual or personal leave box checked, and the recipient's name in the "leave donated to" section and the recipient's employee ID number in the remarks section.
- They must be for a minimum of 2 hours.
- They must be signed by the donor.
Leave Donation slips are forwarded by the union to the Division of Finance for processing:
- Leave donations will be posted by the Division of Finance to the recipient's account during the pay period in which received for use from that pay period forward.
- Donations shall not be posted for use in a pay period prior to that in which it is received.
How and When can the Recipient use the Donated Leave?
- Donated leave may not be used until all accrued sick and annual or personal leave has been exhausted. However, as with all leave, approval and use of donated leave is at the Employer's discretion.
- The amount of leave appearing as a donation depends on the hourly wage of donor and recipient. The following steps are followed: 1) Division of Finance will convert the donated leave to dollars at the annualized hourly rate of the donor; 2) The dollar amount will be converted back to leave at the annualized hourly rate of the recipient; 3) The calculated hours of leave will be added to the recipient's donated leave account for use.
- Each member may only receive 300 hours of donated leave during the life of the contract. (That means 300 hours after it has been converted to the recipient's hourly rate).
How do we get it back once it has been donated?
- You can't get leave back once it has been donated.
- Because donated leave cannot be returned, it is important to contribute only as much leave as the recipient can use.
- It cannot be transferred to another person once it has been processed.
- If the recipient cannot use the leave for the reason it was collected (for exampe, they get better and are back to work early), the leave remains in the donated leave account and cannot be accessed by the recipient unless they again exhaust all sick and annual leave and need more time off for sick leave. If they quit the State before using all donated leave, that donated leave is lost.
Leave donations will not reduce the mandatory leave usage requirements established in the collective bargaining agreement. Upon the death of an employee, any unused donated leave shall be paid in cash to the employee's beneficiaries at the employee's annualized hourly rate. If in doubt, refer to actual contract language on Donated Leave. See ASEA-SOA Contract Article 25.02 D and ASEA-SOA Contract Article 26.09.
ASEA-SOA Contract Articles 25.02 D and 26.09 provide:
[25.02 D] Employees shall be allowed to donate annual leave to and receive donations of annual or personal leave from employees in this unit or those represented by a different union or noncovered employees subject to the following conditions:
1. Each employee wishing to donate annual/personal leave will fill out, date and sign a leave slip showing the amount of leave to be donated subject to a minimum of two (2) hours. The leave slip will have written along the bottom, or in the space provided, "Leave donated to(employee name, Employee IDnumber)."
2. Donors will submit leave slips to the Division of Personnel and Labor Relations Payroll Supervisor for the department in which the donee is employed. Leave donations will be posted in date and order received to the recipient’s donated leave account as needed. Donations will not be posted for use in a pay period prior to that in which received. Once an employee returns to work, if after three pay periods in which the donee does not require the use of donated leave, the leave donated and not used by the donee shall be returned to the donor. A report of those who requested and received donated leave, as well as the hours used willbe generated and electronically sent to the Union every pay period.
3. The Employer will convert the donated leave to dollars at the annualized hourly rate of the donor. That dollar amount will be converted to leave at the annualized hourly rate of the recipient and the appropriate hours of leave will be added to the recipient's donated 64leave account for use as sick leave. The total amount of leave credited to the recipient's donated leave account shall not exceed 300 hours during the life of the current agreement. Donated leave may not be used until all accrued sick and annual or personal leave has been exhausted.
4. Once the Employer has completed the above process, the State will not be obligated for further processing or liabilities resulting therefrom. Once the donationhas been transferred to the recipient, the donation cannot be withdrawn, modified or otherwise returned to the donor's leave account except as provided under Article 25.02.D.2. Leave donations will not reduce the mandatory leave usage requirements established in the collective bargaining agreement. Upon the death of an employee, any unused donated leave shall be paid in cash to the employee's beneficiaries at the employee's annualized hourly rate.
[26.09 Donations of Personal Leave.] Members shall be allowed to donate personal leave to and receive donations of personal leave from leave eligible members in this unit or those represented by a different Union or noncovered employees subject to the following conditions:
A. Each member wishing to donate personal leave will fill out, date and sign a leave slip showing the amount of leave to be donated subject to a minimum of two (2) hours. The leave slip will have written along the bottom, or in the space provided, "Leave donated to (employee name, employee ID number)."
B. Donors will submit leave slips to the Division of Personnel and Labor Relations Payroll Supervisor for the department in which the donee is employed. Leave donations will be posted in date and order received to the recipient’s donated leave account as needed. Donations will not be posted for use in a pay period prior to that in which received. Once an employee returns to work, if after three pay periods in which the donee does not require the use of donated leave, the leave donated and not used by the donee shall be returned to the donor. A report of those who requested and received donated leave, as well as the hours used will be generated and electronically sent to the Union every pay period.
C. The Employer will convert the donated leave to dollars at the annualized hourly rate of the donor. That dollar amount will be converted to leave at the annualized hourly rate of the recipient and the appropriate hours of leave will be added to the recipient's donated leave account for use as sick leave. The total amount of leave credited tothe recipient's donated leave account shall not exceed three hundred (300) hours during the life of the current Agreement. Donated leave may not be used until all accrued personal and medical leave have been exhausted.
D. Once the Division of Finance has completed the above process, the State will not be obligated for further processing, returning of leave donationsor liabilities resulting there from. Once the donation has been transferred to the recipient, the donation cannot be withdrawn, modified orotherwise returned to the donor's leave account except as provided under Article 26.09.B. Leave donations will not reduce the mandatory leave usage requirements established in the Collective Bargaining Agreement. Upon the death of a member, any unused donated leave shall be paid in cash to the member's beneficiaries at the member's annualized hourly rate.