Dear ASEA Member:

Legislation has passed the U.S. House of Representatives to end the notorious Social Security policies that discount retirement benefits for public employees. The House passed the Social Security Fairness Act (H.R. 82) on November 12 in a vote of 327 to 75. If the legislation passes the U.S. Senate before January 3, 2025, and is signed into law, it will effectively repeal the Government Pension Offset (GPO) and Windfall Elimination Provision (WEP) and thereby increase Social Security benefits to millions of public sector employees across the country, including thousands of Alaskans.

The GPO and WEP were originally introduced in an attempt to seek balance for employees receiving a pension. Discounting Social Security benefits has unfairly affected all Alaskans working for public employers, especially those hired into public service since 2006 when the Defined Benefit retirement system was replaced with Defined Contribution individual retirement accounts.

Senator Murkowski is co-sponsor of a Senate version of the bill and Senator Sullivan has expressed support.

In addition to the prospect of ending GPO-WEP, restoring a Defined Benefit retirement for Alaska’s public employees has been the goal of many Alaska legislators over the past two sessions. As new State House and Alaska Senate coalitions majorities assemble, I anticipate retirement security to be a priority for this upcoming Legislature.

Taking both of these steps will have major positive impacts on Alaska’s public sector workers.

AFSCME President Lee Saunders “applauds the House of Representatives for voting to repeal GPO-WEP, which unfairly robs some public service workers and their families of their Social Security benefits simply because they have a pension. Our nation’s public service workers dedicate their lives to improving our communities; they deserve and have earned their full retirement benefits.”

For more information about the Social Security Fairness Act, please visit:

ADN Article by Iris Samuels: Congress Takes Step Toward Reform That Could Boost Some Alaskans Social Security Benefits
AP News What to Know About the Congressional Push to Expand Social Security Benefits
AFSCME Applauds House for Repealing GPO WEP Urges Senate to do the Same
AFGE Applauds House for Repealing Unfair Social Security Rules – Pushes Senate to Follow Suit

If you are not an ASEA member, our Union is actively serving your interests through collective bargaining, contract enforcement, and member advocacy—including support for the repeal of WPO-WEP and restoration of a Defined Benefit retirement. Please consider adding to our collective strength and power by becoming an ASEA member today:

In Solidarity,

Heidi Drygas
Executive Director

Intro for GGU Employees

New Employee/Member Orientation (NEMO)


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2601 Denali St.
Anchorage AK 99503
Phone: (907) 277-5200 or (800) 478-2732 toll free
Fax: (907) 277-5206


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